Body Mind Reset Technique and Life Coach

Everything is just a belief

Body Mind Reset Technique and Life Coach 

Transform your life With the Body Mind Reset Technique

Do you often find yourself saying things like:

  • “Why do I keep attracting the same types of people?”
  • “It’s always the same thing, over and over.”
  • “I’ve never been good at this.”
  • “I keep having this bad luck”
  • “Nothing is never going to change”
  • “I’ll never recover from this”

These questions are symptoms of a deeper issue.

Subconsciously you may have internalised negative beliefs, creating patterns of thought that become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The good news is, there is a way to break free from these beliefs and patterns.

Understanding The Relationship between Limiting Beliefs and Trauma

Every human being, regardless of background or status, is influenced by the culture, education and surroundings they grew up in, shaping their core view of the world during early childhood. As the mind matures, it either subconsciously accepts the concepts as given, adapts them or rebels against them.

During this period of maturation, traumatic experiences happen to everyone

The trauma requires a coping mechanism to ensure survival, a way to handle the situation that the person is undergoing: A Belief.

Not all these Beliefs are harmful.

Some are inherently needed for growth and well-being. Such Beliefs are known as Empowering Beliefs.

Limiting beliefs, however, will negatively impact the view of the individual's own potential and when left unresolved, these will contribute to emotional or physical stress, anxiety and other health conditions.

That's what is being targeted with the Body Mind Reset Technique.

How Do Limiting Beliefs and Trauma Impact You?

Our subconscious mind functions like a computer's hard drive, storing and processing vast amounts of data, most of which is filtered out and inaccessible to your conscious mind. If we would look at it like an iceberg, 10% of your mind is visible but 90% remains beneath the surface, unknown and mysterious while ironically composing the majority of the human mind.

That hidden 90% shapes your thoughts, behaviours and emotions without you being even aware of it.

Considering your Limiting Beliefs are part of the filter, they can distort positive feedback, enlarge negative events or hide alternative solutions to your problems leaving you in an Experience Loop.

My Solution: The Body Mind Reset Technique (BMRT)

I specialise in addressing that 90% of your mind where Limiting Beliefs reside. My primary tool is the Body Mind Reset Technique (BMRT)—a method developed by Breda McQuaid. The groundbreaking knowledge from the work of Bruce Lipton (the "The Biology of Belief") and Hans Selye (the "General Adaptation Syndrome") form the basis of the trauma recovery techniques used.

Using this incredible technique, we will work together to disconnect the conscious triggers from the subconscious traumatic responses, allowing you to break the hold of the Limiting Beliefs on your life and creating new Essential Beliefs and positive coping mechanisms.

By doing so, we can cut off the hold that limiting beliefs and trauma have over your life, allowing you to heal and move forward.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

The journey to healing and empowerment begins with the decision to take control of your subconscious patterns. By working together, we will unlock the barriers holding you back and create new, empowering beliefs that support your health, happiness, and success and reconnect to your true authentic self.

Get Started Today

Contact me today to learn more about how the Body Mind Reset Technique can help you.

Let's transform your life, starting now!

What is BMRT ?

It's an active technique able to identify limiting beliefs or past experiences which are present in the unconscious mind that are causing detrimental effects. These effects disrupts the chemistry of the brain resulting in feelings of anxiety or possibly having negative impact on the immune system resulting in physical symptoms.

We often believe, inaccurately, that because the event happened a long time ago that it is in the past and resolved, when in fact, chemically the effects of that event is still ongoing causing an imbalance in their system possibly leading to anxiety or many other negative feelings or physical conditions. The reason for that is simple, your subconscious only live in the present. To make an analogy with computers, every traumatic experience stills runs as a "background process".

Once the problem is identified, we test its validity on the body thanks to an applied Kinesiology method or muscle test. Our body knows everything and very often we ignore it.

We then work on your primitive brain and subconscious using positive affirmations and anchor them in your consciousness, subconscious and body by applying pressure on a specific meridian of your face. This leads to a disconnection of the original the trigger or impulse, which allows a reset of the subconscious.

This reset of the subconscious leads to the restoration of the system's ability to maintain its internal balance despite external influences.

The reset is permanent, however it may happen that a problem is hidden under several layers and requires several resets each adapted to the layer on which it is important to do a work.

Problems that can be treated with BMRT

  • Anxiety
  • Fear of: speaking in public, illness, rejection, heights, water, drowning, flying, darkness, needles, failure death
  • Separation anxiety
  • Claustrophobia
  • Problems of self-confidence/feeling of not being good enough
  • Anger issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Concentration problems
  • Learning difficulties
  • Sorrow
  • Phobias
  • Stress related to exam
  • Relationship problems
  • Work related difficulties
  • Intimidation
  • Pain after injury or surgery
  • Restricted mobility after injury or surgery
  • Perfectionism
  • Hoarding
  • PTSD
  • Addictions ...

What is coaching?

It is important to note that coaching is different from therapy. My approach is to help you realize that all the resources you need to succeed are already in you. Together, we will identify your thought patterns and beliefs, thus bringing them to the light of your consciousness, to allow you to make decisions in accordance with your deep aspirations and fundamental values.

Coaching focuses on identifying and solving the obstacles that hinder the achievement of your specific objectives. For a coaching session to be effective, it is crucial to define a clear project and precise objectives. My approach is resolutely forward-looking, with an emphasis on your progress and personal achievement.

The BMRT method acts on the links between the primitive brain and the subconscious, thus offering an optimal path to the total expression of your potential. As the saying goes so well, "we are what we think": our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. By working on your limiting beliefs, we will unlock your full potential and allow you to reach new heights.

Remember, every failure and every obstacle are only opportunities for learning, signals to help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and evolve as an individual. In my coaching sessions, I focus on discovering your true essence, making lasting changes in your life, and your spiritual awakening, all with clear, precise and measurable objectives over time.

What will we work on?

Beyond the professional aspect, I am committed to creating a respectful and benevolent space where you can be fully yourself. 

  • Develop your self-awareness
  • Better manage your stress
  • Control your impulses
  • Improve your communication
  • Establish and maintain healthy human relationships on a daily basis
  • Establish and maintain healthy human relationships on a daily basis
  • Know how to respond to difficult behaviors (critical, aggressiveness,...)
  • Maintain the course in case of difficulty
  • Control conflicts
  • Gain flexibility
  • Improve your decision-making
  • Understand and accept yourself
  • Develop mutually satisfactory social relationships
  • Stimulate your creativity
  •  Manage time and priorities

Coaching opens the door to a plethora of possibilities

  • Explore your inner being and give an attentive ear to your inner voice.
  • Identify your current mode of operation to better understand yourself.
  • Highlight the obstacles and limiting beliefs that hinder your path to success.
  • Welcome yourself fully with all your strengths and the areas of development to be explored.
  • Learn to listen and manage your emotions skillfully and effectively,Become aware of the deep motivations that drive you in your existence.
  • Become aware of the deep motivations that drive you in your existence.
  • Discover the authentic meaning of your actions and aspirations.
  • Become the conscious and proactive actor in your own life.
  • Define clearly your life projects and the objectives to be achieved.
  • Develop a concrete action plan to move towards your aspirations with determination.
  • Carefully monitor your progress and adapt your trajectory according to your constant evolution.

Contact & Opening Hours

Region Antwerpen home visit + Online

Phone & Whatsapp +32 471 21 11 58
Sunday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 13:00
What our customers are saying
Chantal Lam.
2 months ago

Je souffrais de maux d’estomac depuis quelques années suite à des émotions non digérées. Après un rapide coaching la douleur a complètement disparu et n’est plus réapparue depuis plus d’une semaine. J’ai adoré l’approche de Davide et j’attends impatiemment septembre afin de commencer le body mind reset. Un grand merci pour cette mini session qui m’a fait un bien fou.

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Anthony Claes
3 months ago

De chaos in mijn hoofd de er uit sprong bij ons eerste gesprek wist hij mooi te kanaliseren. Van daar zijn we verder gegaan en hebben stuk voor stuk verder gewerkt de punten die boven kwamen.
We zijn bijna een jaar verder en ik kan zeggen dat de de zelf ontdekking en ontwikkeling vooral te danken zijn aan de manier van werken. Het besef dat er iemand is die mij de spiegel voor mijn gezicht zou vasthouden en mij zal begeleiden naar wat ik nodig heb en wie ik zelf ben is nu achteraf gezien hetgeen ik nodig had.
Mijn eigen waarden en normen en het accepteren van wie ik ben is voor mij de start geweest van een traject waar ik alleen maar van kan zeggen dat ik spijt heb dat ik het niet sneller heb gedaan.

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1 month ago

Via Davide ben ik met Body Mind Reset begonnen en na enkele sessies ben ik enorm tevreden en hoopvol naar de toekomst toe.

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